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- Ophtalmologie (208)
- Neurosciences (181)
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- Neurochirurgie adultes (78)
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862 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Neurotrophic Keratitis: A rare disease that requires proactive screening and orphan drug treatments.
- Eric E Gabison
- Damien Guindolet
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Ocul SurfPublié le
Date de publication -
Selective neural coding of object, feature, and geometry spatial cues in humans.
- Stephen Ramanoël
- Marion Durteste
- Alice Bizeul
- Anthony Ozier-Lafontaine
- Marcia Bécu
- José-Alain Sahel
- Christophe Habas
- Angelo Arleo
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Hum Brain MappPublié le
Date de publication -
Invention of intensive care medicine by an anaesthesiologist: 70 years of progress from epidemics to resilience to exceptional healthcare crises.
- Olivier Collange
- Nicolas Mongardon
- Bernard Allaouchiche
- Jordi Miatello
- Bélaid Bouhemad
- Pierre Trouiller
- Benjamin Chousterman
- Yoann Launey
- Nicolas Mayeur
- Emmanuel Besnier
- Jean-Michel Constantin
- Olivier Langeron
- Vincent Degos
- Enora Atchade
- Roland Amathieu
- Jérôme Morel
- Fanny Bounes
- Claire Dahyot-Fizelier
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Anaesth Crit Care Pain MedPublié le
Date de publication -
Place of Tubomanometry in Patulous Eustachian Tube Diagnosis.
- Laetitia Ros
- Stéphane Gargula
- Marion Montava
- Justin Michel
- Thomas Radulesco
- Jean-Pierre Lavieille
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Otolaryngol Head Neck SurgPublié le
Date de publication -
Functional Analysis of the Central Retinal Artery Using MRI or US.
- Augustin Lecler
- Loïc Duron
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) RadiologyPublié le
Date de publication -
Cerebral Microbleeds During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Prospective Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cohort.
- Eric Van Belle
- Nicolas Debry
- Flavien Vincent
- Grégory Kuchcinski
- Charlotte Cordonnier
- Antoine Rauch
- Emmanuel Robin
- Fanny Lassalle
- François Pontana
- Cédric Delhaye
- Guillaume Schurtz
- Emmanuelle JeanPierre
- Natacha Rousse
- Caterina Casari
- Hugues Spillemaeker
- Sina Porouchani
- Thibault Pamart
- Tom Denimal
- Xavier Neiger
- Basile Verdier
- Laurent Puy
- Alessandro Cosenza
- Francis Juthier
- Marjorie Richardson
- Martin Bretzner
- Jean Dallongeville
- Julien Labreuche
- Mikaël Mazighi
- Annabelle Dupont-Prado
- Bart Staels
- Peter J Lenting
- Sophie Susen
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) CirculationPublié le
Date de publication -
Contribution of acoustic analysis to the detection of vocoid epenthesis in apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders.
- Marion Bourqui
- Michaela Pernon
- Cécile Fougeron
- Marina Laganaro
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) AphasiologyPublié le
Date de publication -
Volumetric quantification of choroid and Haller's sublayer using OCT scans: An accurate and unified approach based on stratified smoothing.
- M N Ibrahim
- S Bin Bashar
- M A Rasheed
- A Selvam
- V Sant
- J A Sahel
- J Chhablani
- K K Vupparaboina
- S Jana
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Comput Med Imaging GraphPublié le
Date de publication -
Maintenance therapy simplification using a single daily dose: A preliminary real-life feasibility study in patients with Wilson disease.
- Olivier Guillaud
- France Woimant
- Eduardo Couchonnal
- Jérôme Dumortier
- Chloe Laurencin
- Laurence Lion-François
- Abdelouahed Belmalih
- Muriel Bost
- Erwan Morvan
- Nouzha Oussedik-Djebrani
- Alain Lachaux
- Aurélia Poujois
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Clin Res Hepatol GastroenterolPublié le
Date de publication -
Myopic Foveoschisis Completely Resolves within 12 Months after Vitrectomy.
- William Beaumont
- Aude Couturier
- Alain Gaudric
- Ramin Tadayoni
- Elise Philippakis
Auteurs Source:
Journal (source) Ophthalmol RetinaPublié le
Date de publication