Invention of intensive care medicine by an anaesthesiologist: 70 years of progress from epidemics to resilience to exceptional healthcare crises.

  • Olivier Collange
  • Nicolas Mongardon
  • Bernard Allaouchiche
  • Jordi Miatello
  • Bélaid Bouhemad
  • Pierre Trouiller
  • Benjamin Chousterman
  • Yoann Launey
  • Nicolas Mayeur
  • Emmanuel Besnier
  • Jean-Michel Constantin
  • Olivier Langeron
  • Vincent Degos
  • Enora Atchade
  • Roland Amathieu
  • Jérôme Morel
  • Fanny Bounes
  • Claire Dahyot-Fizelier

Source: Journal (source)Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med

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