Résultats de recherche
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- Ophtalmologie (97)
- Neurologie (75)
- Neurosciences (67)
- Neurochirurgie adultes (32)
- Neuroradiologie interventionnelle (32)
- Imagerie (29)
- Neurovasculaire (22)
- Neuro-ophtalmologie (21)
- ORL (21)
- Neurochirurgie pédiatrique (20)
- Recherche (14)
- Anesthésie-réanimation (13)
- Ophtalmo-pédiatrie (9)
- Médecine hospitalière (5)
- Innovations/datasciences (4)
- Maladies rares (3)
- Pharmacie (1)
316 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Patient selection for spinal cord stimulation: The importance of an integrated assessment of clinical and psychosocial factors.
- Simon Thomson
- Nicky Helsen
- Simon Prangnell
- Mery Paroli
- Ganesan Baranidharan
- Hayat Belaïd
- Bart Billet
- Sam Eldabe
- Giuliano De Carolis
- Laura Demartini
- Kliment Gatzinsky
- Jan Willem Kallewaard
- Matthias Winkelmüller
- Frank Huygen
- Herman Stoevelaar
Source: Eur J Pain
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[Assessment of ophthalmological surgical training in Île-de-France: Results of a survey on 89 residents].
- G Martin
- T Chapron
- D Bremond-Gignac
- G Caputo
- I Cochereau
Source: J Fr Ophtalmol
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International controlled study of revascularization and outcomes following COVID-positive mechanical thrombectomy.
- Adam A Dmytriw
- Sherief Ghozy
- Ahmad Sweid
- Michel Piotin
- Kimon Bekelis
- Nader Sourour
- Eytan Raz
- Daniel Vela-Duarte
- Italo Linfante
- Guilherme Dabus
- Max Kole
- Mario Martínez-Galdámez
- Shahid M Nimjee
- Demetrius K Lopes
- Ameer E Hassan
- Peter Kan
- Mohammad Ghorbani
- Michael R Levitt
- Simon Escalard
- Symeon Missios
- Maksim Shapiro
- Fréderic Clarençon
- Mahmoud Elhorany
- Rizwan A Tahir
- Patrick P Youssef
- Aditya S Pandey
- Robert M Starke
- Kareem El Naamani
- Rawad Abbas
- Ossama Y Mansour
- Jorge Galvan
- Joshua T Billingsley
- Abolghasem Mortazavi
- Melanie Walker
- Mahmoud Dibas
- Fabio Settecase
- Manraj K S Heran
- Anna L Kuhn
- Ajit S Puri
- Bijoy K Menon
- Sanjeev Sivakumar
- Ashkan Mowla
- Salvatore D'Amato
- Alicia M Zha
- Daniel Cooke
- Justin E Vranic
- Robert W Regenhardt
- James D Rabinov
- Christopher J Stapleton
- Mayank Goyal
- Hannah Wu
- Jake Cohen
- David Turkel-Parella
- Andrew Xavier
- Muhammad Waqas
- Vincent Tutino
- Adnan Siddiqui
- Gaurav Gupta
- Anil Nanda
- Priyank Khandelwal
- Cristina Tiu
- Pere C Portela
- Natalia Perez de la Ossa
- Xabier Urra
- Mercedes de Lera
- Juan F Arenillas
- Marc Ribo
- Manuel Requena
- Mariangela Piano
- Guglielmo Pero
- Keith De Sousa
- Fawaz Al-Mufti
- Zafar Hashim
- Sanjeev Nayak
- Leonardo Renieri
- Rose Du
- Mohamed A Aziz-Sultan
- David Liebeskind
- Raul G Nogueira
- Mohamad Abdalkader
- Thanh N Nguyen
- Nicholas Vigilante
- James E Siegler
- Jonathan A Grossberg
- Hassan Saad
- Michael R Gooch
- Nabeel A Herial
- Robert H Rosenwasser
- Stavropoula Tjoumakaris
- Aman B Patel
- Ambooj Tiwari
- Pascal Jabbour
Source: Eur J Neurol
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Retrospective Natural History Study of RPGR-Related Cone- and Cone-Rod Dystrophies While Expanding the Mutation Spectrum of the Disease.
- Marco Nassisi
- Giuseppe De Bartolo
- Saddek Mohand-Said
- Christel Condroyer
- Aline Antonio
- Marie-Elise Lancelot
- Kinga Bujakowska
- Vasily Smirnov
- Thomas Pugliese
- John Neidhardt
- José-Alain Sahel
- Christina Zeitz
- Isabelle Audo
Source: Int J Mol Sci
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Effectiveness of Geriatric Assessment-Driven Interventions on Survival and Functional and Nutritional Status in Older Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial (EGeSOR).
- Elena Paillaud
- Lydia Brugel
- Chloe Bertolus
- Melany Baron
- Emilie Bequignon
- Philippe Caillet
- Thomas Schouman
- Jean Lacau Saint Guily
- Sophie Périé
- Eric Bouvard
- Marie Laurent
- Didier Salvan
- Laurence Chaumette
- Laure de Decker
- Benoit Piot
- Beatrix Barry
- Agathe Raynaud-Simon
- Elisabeth Sauvaget
- Christine Bach
- Antoine Bizard
- Abderrahmane Bounar
- Aurelien Minard
- Bechara Aziz
- Eric Chevalier
- Dominique Chevalier
- Cedric Gaxatte
- Olivier Malard
- Evelyne Liuu
- Sandrine Lacour
- Laetitia Gregoire
- Charlotte Lafont
- Florence Canouï-Poitrine
Source: Cancers (Basel)
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Neurotrophic Keratitis: A rare disease that requires proactive screening and orphan drug treatments.
- Eric E Gabison
- Damien Guindolet
Source: Ocul Surf
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Selective neural coding of object, feature, and geometry spatial cues in humans.
- Stephen Ramanoël
- Marion Durteste
- Alice Bizeul
- Anthony Ozier-Lafontaine
- Marcia Bécu
- José-Alain Sahel
- Christophe Habas
- Angelo Arleo
Source: Hum Brain Mapp
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Invention of intensive care medicine by an anaesthesiologist: 70 years of progress from epidemics to resilience to exceptional healthcare crises.
- Olivier Collange
- Nicolas Mongardon
- Bernard Allaouchiche
- Jordi Miatello
- Bélaid Bouhemad
- Pierre Trouiller
- Benjamin Chousterman
- Yoann Launey
- Nicolas Mayeur
- Emmanuel Besnier
- Jean-Michel Constantin
- Olivier Langeron
- Vincent Degos
- Enora Atchade
- Roland Amathieu
- Jérôme Morel
- Fanny Bounes
- Claire Dahyot-Fizelier
Source: Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med
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Place of Tubomanometry in Patulous Eustachian Tube Diagnosis.
- Laetitia Ros
- Stéphane Gargula
- Marion Montava
- Justin Michel
- Thomas Radulesco
- Jean-Pierre Lavieille
Source: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
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Functional Analysis of the Central Retinal Artery Using MRI or US.
- Augustin Lecler
- Loïc Duron
Source: Radiology
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