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- Ophtalmologie (213)
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906 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Parenthood and neurosurgery in Europe a white paper from the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies' Diversity in Neurosurgery Committee Part I - Family Planning and Practice during Pregnancy.
- Pia Vayssière
- Marike Broekman
- Claudio Cavallo
- Doortje Engel
- Uri Pinchas Hadelsberg
- Gökce Hatipoglu Majernik
- Anke Hoellig
- Tijana Ilic
- Claudia Janz
- Hanne-Rinck Jeltema
- Dorothee Mielke
- Ana Rodríguez-Hernández
- Yu-Mi Ryang
- Saeed Fozia
- Nikolaos Syrmos
- Kristel Vanchaze
- Silvia Hernandez-Duran
Source: Brain Spine
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Neuroimmune Regulation of GABAergic Neurons Within the Ventral Tegmental Area During Withdrawal from Chronic Morphine.
- Anna M W Taylor
- Annie Castonguay
- Atefeh Ghogha
- Pia Vayssière
- Amynah A A Pradhan
- Lihua Xue
- Sadaf Mehrabani
- Juli Wu
- Pat Levitt
- Mary C Olmstead
- Yves De Koninck
- Christopher J Evans
- Catherine M Cahill
Source: Neuropsychopharmacology
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Application of virtual reality in neurosurgery: Patient missing. A systematic review.
- Pia Vayssière
- Paul E Constanthin
- Bruno Herbelin
- Olaf Blanke
- Karl Schaller
- Philippe Bijlenga
Source: J Clin Neurosci
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Somatic PIK3CA Mutations in Sporadic Cerebral Cavernous Malformations.
- Matthieu Peyre
- Danielle Miyagishima
- Franck Bielle
- Françoise Chapon
- Michael Sierant
- Quitterie Venot
- Julie Lerond
- Pauline Marijon
- Samiya Abi Jaoude
- Tuan Le Van
- Karim Labreche
- Richard Houlston
- Maxime Faisant
- Stéphane Clémenceau
- Anne-Laure Boch
- Aurelien Nouet
- Alexandre Carpentier
- Julien Boetto
- Angeliki Louvi
- Michel Kalamarides
Source: N Engl J Med
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Validation of a scoring system to evaluate the risk of rapid growth of intracranial meningiomas in neurofibromatosis type 2 patients.
- Samiya Abi Jaoude
- Matthieu Peyre
- Vincent Degos
- Stéphane Goutagny
- Béatrice Parfait
- Michel Kalamarides
Source: J Neurosurg
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Transverse sinus stenting without surgical repair in idiopathic CSF rhinorrhea associated with transverse sinus stenoses: a pilot study.
- Stephanie Lenck
- Aurelien Nouet
- Eimad Shotar
- Samiya Abi Jaoude
- Patrick Nicholson
- Kevin Premat
- Celine Corcy
- Anne-Laure Boch
- Nader Antoine Sourour
- Frederic Tankere
- Alexandre Carpentier
- Frederic Clarençon
Source: J Neurosurg
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