Résultats de recherche
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- Ophtalmologie (212)
- Neurosciences (181)
- Neurologie (120)
- Hôpital (102)
- Neurochirurgie adultes (79)
- Patient (78)
- Recherche (66)
- Neuroradiologie interventionnelle (64)
- ORL (62)
- Médecine hospitalière (52)
- Presse (52)
- Neurochirurgie pédiatrique (47)
- Imagerie (46)
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- Neuro-ophtalmologie (35)
- Recrutement (34)
- Maladies rares (30)
- Ophtalmo-pédiatrie (29)
- Dons et mécenat (28)
- Neurovasculaire (24)
- Anesthésie-réanimation (23)
- International (22)
- Pharmacie (17)
- Innovations/datasciences (11)
- Urgences (2)
883 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Complication of Ear Impression: Foreign Body in the Eustachian Tube Eroding the Carotid Canal.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- Guillaume Poillon
- Stéphane Gargula
- Camille Hervé
- Simon Escalard
- Denis Ayache
- Mary Daval
Source: Laryngoscope
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Dynamic radiologic changes in repeated barotraumatic frontal sinusitis: A CARE case report.
Source: Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis
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Evaluation of robotic surgery for transoral resection of T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- F Rubin
- D Garcia
- C Badoual
- P Bonfils
- O Laccourreye
Source: Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis
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