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- Ophtalmologie (208)
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868 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Reciprocal thalamocortical connectivity of the medial pulvinar: a depth stimulation and evoked potential study in human brain.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- F Mauguière
- H Catenoix
- I Faillenot
- M Magnin
Source: Cereb Cortex
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Involvement of medial pulvinar thalamic nucleus in human temporal lobe seizures.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- François Mauguière
- Geneviève Demarquay
- Philippe Ryvlin
- Jean Isnard
- Catherine Fischer
- Marc Guénot
- Michel Magnin
Source: Epilepsia
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[11C]-Methionine PET: dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours compared with other epileptogenic brain neoplasms.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- G Demarquay
- A Jouvet
- D Le Bars
- N Streichenberger
- M Sindou
- N Kopp
- F Mauguière
- P Ryvlin
Source: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
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Somatomotor or somatosensory facial manifestations in patients with temporobasal epilepsies.
- Delphine Taussig
- Olivier David
- Ana Maria Petrescu
- Anca Nica
- Eric Seigneuret
- Georg Dorfmüller
- Mohamed Choukri
- Nozar Aghakhani
- Viviane Bouilleret
Source: Epileptic Disord
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Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction and Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.
- William Szurhaj
- Alexandre Leclancher
- Anca Nica
- Bertille Périn
- Philippe Derambure
- Philippe Convers
- Laure Mazzola
- Bertrand Godet
- Marie Faucanie
- Marie-Christine Picot
- Julien De Jonckheere
Source: Neurology
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MRI spot sign in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: an independent biomarker of hematoma expansion and poor functional outcome.
- Nefeli Valyraki
- Adrien Goujon
- Marjorie Mateos
- Adrien Lecoeuvre
- Augustin Lecler
- Igor Raynouard
- Candice Sabben
- Michaël Obadia
- Julien Savatovsky
- Pierre Seners
Source: J Neurol
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Movie editing influences spectators' time perception.
- Klara Kovarski
- Joanna Dos Reis
- Claire Chevais
- Anaïs Hamel
- Dominique Makowski
- Marco Sperduti
Source: Sci Rep
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Microsurgical Resection of a T8 Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Malformation: 2-Dimensional Operative Video.
Source: Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown)
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- Yasmine Serrar
- Armelle Cahuzac
- Pierre Gascon
- Carole Langlois-Jacques
- Martine Mauget-Faÿsse
- Benjamin Wolff
- Pascal Sève
- Laurent Kodjikian
- Thibaud Mathis
Source: Retina
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Comment on: Personalized Model to Predict Keratoconus Progression From Demographic, Topographic, and Genetic Data.
- Damien Gatinel
- Alejandro Tello
- Camilo A Niño
- Amir Translateur
- Ingrith K Lugo
- Ruben D Berrospi
- Alejandro Tello
- Camilo A Niño
- Amir Translateur
- Ingrith K Lugo
- Ruben D Berrospi
- Alejandro Tello
- Camilo A Niño
- Ruben D Berrospi
Source: Am J Ophthalmol
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