Résultats de recherche
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- Ophtalmologie (97)
- Neurologie (75)
- Neurosciences (67)
- Neurochirurgie adultes (32)
- Neuroradiologie interventionnelle (32)
- Imagerie (29)
- Neurovasculaire (22)
- Neuro-ophtalmologie (21)
- ORL (21)
- Neurochirurgie pédiatrique (20)
- Recherche (14)
- Anesthésie-réanimation (13)
- Ophtalmo-pédiatrie (9)
- Médecine hospitalière (5)
- Innovations/datasciences (4)
- Maladies rares (3)
- Pharmacie (1)
316 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Survival and consciousness recovery are better in the minimally conscious state than in the vegetative state.
- Frédéric Faugeras
- Benjamin Rohaut
- Mélanie Valente
- Jacobo Sitt
- Sophie Demeret
- Francis Bolgert
- Nicolas Weiss
- Alexandra Grinea
- Clémence Marois
- Marion Quirins
- Athena Demertzi
- Federico Raimondo
- Damien Galanaud
- Marie-Odile Habert
- Denis Engemann
- Louis Puybasset
- Lionel Naccache
Source: Brain Inj
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Multidrug-resistant bacteria transmitted through high-density EEG in ICU.
- Nicolas Weiss
- Frédéric Faugeras
- Benjamin Rohaut
- Jocelyne Leconte
- Emilie Lafeuille
- Florence Brossier
- Julie Bourmaleau
- Sandrine Lefebvre
- Catherine Lafaye
- Marion Quirins
- Mélanie Valente
- Hélène Brisson
- Julien Mayaux
- Marika Rudler
- Nicolas Bréchot
- Sophie Demeret
- Francis Bolgert
- Jérome Robert
- Lionel Naccache
Source: Seizure
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[Metabolic encephalopathies].
- C Marois
- Marion Quirins
- B Hermann
- S Mouri
- C Bouzbib
- M Rudler
- D Thabut
- N Weiss
Source: Rev Med Interne
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Risk factors of postictal generalized EEG suppression in generalized convulsive seizures.
- Veriano Alexandre
- Blanca Mercedes
- Luc Valton
- Louis Maillard
- Fabrice Bartolomei
- William Szurhaj
- Edouard Hirsch
- Cécile Marchal
- Francine Chassoux
- Jérôme Petit
- Arielle Crespel
- Anca Nica
- Vincent Navarro
- Philippe Kahane
- Bertrand De Toffol
- Pierre Thomas
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- Marie Denuelle
- Jacques Jonas
- Philippe Ryvlin
- Sylvain Rheims
- Cécile Marchal
- Dominique Sarah Rosenberg
- Philippe Kahane
- Lorella Minotti
- Laurent Vercueil
- Cécile Sabourdy
- Jérome Petit
- Didier Tourniaire
- Vieira Eid
- Philippe Derambure
- William Szurhaj
- Louise Tyvaert
- Philippe Ryvlin
- Sylvain Rheims
- Jean Isnard
- Helène Catenoix
- Fabrice Bartolomei
- Agnes Trebuchon
- Aileen Mc Gonigal
- Sandrine Aubert
- Arielle Crespel
- Philippe Gelisse
- Louis Maillard
- Jean-Pierre Vignal
- Jacques Jonas
- Pierre Thomas
- Véronique Bourg
- Francine Chassoux
- Elisabeth Landre
- Vincent Navarro
- Sophie Dupont
- Claude Adam
- Arnaud Biraben
- Anca Nica
- Edouard Hirsch
- Maria-Paolo Valenti
- Julia Scholly
- Luc Valton
- Marie Denuelle
- Bertrand De Toffol
Source: Neurology
Publié le
[French guidelines on electroencephalogram].
- N André-Obadia
- P Sauleau
- F Cheliout-Heraut
- P Convers
- R Debs
- M Eisermann
- M Gavaret
- J Isnard
- J Jung
- A Kaminska
- N Kubis
- M Lemesle
- L Maillard
- L Mazzola
- V Michel
- A Montavont
- S N'Guyen
- V Navarro
- D Parain
- B Perin
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- H Sediri
- C Soufflet
- W Szurhaj
- D Taussig
- A Touzery-de Villepin
- L Vercueil
- M D Lamblin
Source: Neurophysiol Clin
Publié le
Reciprocal thalamocortical connectivity of the medial pulvinar: a depth stimulation and evoked potential study in human brain.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- F Mauguière
- H Catenoix
- I Faillenot
- M Magnin
Source: Cereb Cortex
Publié le
Involvement of medial pulvinar thalamic nucleus in human temporal lobe seizures.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- François Mauguière
- Geneviève Demarquay
- Philippe Ryvlin
- Jean Isnard
- Catherine Fischer
- Marc Guénot
- Michel Magnin
Source: Epilepsia
Publié le
[11C]-Methionine PET: dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours compared with other epileptogenic brain neoplasms.
- Sarah Dominique Rosenberg
- G Demarquay
- A Jouvet
- D Le Bars
- N Streichenberger
- M Sindou
- N Kopp
- F Mauguière
- P Ryvlin
Source: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
Publié le
Somatomotor or somatosensory facial manifestations in patients with temporobasal epilepsies.
- Delphine Taussig
- Olivier David
- Ana Maria Petrescu
- Anca Nica
- Eric Seigneuret
- Georg Dorfmüller
- Mohamed Choukri
- Nozar Aghakhani
- Viviane Bouilleret
Source: Epileptic Disord
Publié le
Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction and Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.
- William Szurhaj
- Alexandre Leclancher
- Anca Nica
- Bertille Périn
- Philippe Derambure
- Philippe Convers
- Laure Mazzola
- Bertrand Godet
- Marie Faucanie
- Marie-Christine Picot
- Julien De Jonckheere
Source: Neurology
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