The role of near-infrared reflectance imaging in retinal disease: A systematic review.

  • Georges Sukkarieh
  • Raphaël Lejoyeux
  • Yannick LeMer
  • Sophie Bonnin
  • Ramin Tadayoni

Source: Surv Ophthalmol

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Near-infrared reflectance (NIR) retinal imaging aids in a better visualization of structures at the level of outer retina, retinal pigment epithelium, and choroid. It has multiple advantages, including easy acquisition in association with structural spectral domain optical coherence tomography, more comfort for patients, and enhanced contrast and spatial resolution. It helps in the diagnosis of chorioretinal diseases that present with minimal funduscopic findings and can be used to follow up many chorioretinal conditions. We describe the chorioretinal NIR imaging appearance and the clinical role of NIR imaging in ocular inflammatory disease, vascular and acquired disease, degenerative disease, tumors, associated systemic condition, toxic and traumatic disease, optic nerve head conditions, and physiological findings.