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68 résultats trouvés
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Comparison of dislocation rates of Teflon and Titanium stapes prostheses: a retrospective survival analysis on 855 patients.
- Stéphane Gargula
- Mary Daval
- Adrien Lecoeuvre
- Denis Ayache
Source: J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
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Effectiveness of Geriatric Assessment-Driven Interventions on Survival and Functional and Nutritional Status in Older Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial (EGeSOR).
- Elena Paillaud
- Lydia Brugel
- Chloe Bertolus
- Melany Baron
- Emilie Bequignon
- Philippe Caillet
- Thomas Schouman
- Jean Lacau Saint Guily
- Sophie Périé
- Eric Bouvard
- Marie Laurent
- Didier Salvan
- Laurence Chaumette
- Laure de Decker
- Benoit Piot
- Beatrix Barry
- Agathe Raynaud-Simon
- Elisabeth Sauvaget
- Christine Bach
- Antoine Bizard
- Abderrahmane Bounar
- Aurelien Minard
- Bechara Aziz
- Eric Chevalier
- Dominique Chevalier
- Cedric Gaxatte
- Olivier Malard
- Evelyne Liuu
- Sandrine Lacour
- Laetitia Gregoire
- Charlotte Lafont
- Florence Canouï-Poitrine
Source: Cancers (Basel)
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Place of Tubomanometry in Patulous Eustachian Tube Diagnosis.
- Laetitia Ros
- Stéphane Gargula
- Marion Montava
- Justin Michel
- Thomas Radulesco
- Jean-Pierre Lavieille
Source: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
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Evaluation of robotic surgery for transoral resection of T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- F Rubin
- D Garcia
- C Badoual
- P Bonfils
- O Laccourreye
Source: Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis
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Complication of Ear Impression: Foreign Body in the Eustachian Tube Eroding the Carotid Canal.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- Guillaume Poillon
- Stéphane Gargula
- Camille Hervé
- Simon Escalard
- Denis Ayache
- Mary Daval
Source: Laryngoscope
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Prospective Multicentric Follow-up Study of Cochlear Implantation in Adults With Single-Sided Deafness: Tinnitus and Audiological Outcomes.
- Christine Poncet-Wallet
- Elisabeth Mamelle
- Benoit Godey
- Eric Truy
- Nicolas Guevara
- Marine Ardoint
- Dan Gnansia
- Michel Hoen
- Sonia Saaï
- Isabelle Mosnier
- Emmanuel Lescanne
- David Bakhos
- Christophe Vincent
Source: Otol Neurotol
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Ultra-fast confocal fluorescence microscopy for neck lymph node imaging in head and neck cancer.
- Muriel Abbaci
- Adrien Villard
- Anne Auperin
- Safaa Asmandar
- Antoine Moya-Plana
- Odile Casiraghi
- Ingrid Breuskin
Source: Oral Oncol
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Confocal laser endomicroscopy and confocal microscopy for head and neck cancer imaging: Recent updates and future perspectives.
- Adrien Villard
- Ingrid Breuskin
- Odile Casiraghi
- Safaa Asmandar
- Corinne Laplace-Builhe
- Muriel Abbaci
- Antoine Moya Plana
Source: Oral Oncol
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