Résultats de recherche
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- Ophtalmologie (97)
- Neurologie (75)
- Neurosciences (67)
- Neurochirurgie adultes (32)
- Neuroradiologie interventionnelle (32)
- Imagerie (29)
- Neurovasculaire (22)
- Neuro-ophtalmologie (21)
- ORL (21)
- Neurochirurgie pédiatrique (20)
- Recherche (14)
- Anesthésie-réanimation (13)
- Ophtalmo-pédiatrie (9)
- Médecine hospitalière (5)
- Innovations/datasciences (4)
- Maladies rares (3)
- Pharmacie (1)
316 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Spiroplasma-induced Uveitis Mimicking Congenital Glaucoma in a Newborn.
- Gilles C Martin
- Margot Denier
- Anne Le Fleche-Mateos
Source: Ophthalmology
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State of the art in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis animal models.
- Marie-Charlotte Bourrienne
- Juliette Gay
- Mikaël Mazighi
- Nadine Ajzenberg
Source: J Thromb Haemost
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Basics, benefits, and pitfalls of pupillometers assessing visual function.
Source: Eye (Lond)
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Evaluation of robotic surgery for transoral resection of T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- F Rubin
- D Garcia
- C Badoual
- P Bonfils
- O Laccourreye
Source: Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis
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Dynamic radiologic changes in repeated barotraumatic frontal sinusitis: A CARE case report.
Source: Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis
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Complication of Ear Impression: Foreign Body in the Eustachian Tube Eroding the Carotid Canal.
- Kerolos Shenouda
- Guillaume Poillon
- Stéphane Gargula
- Camille Hervé
- Simon Escalard
- Denis Ayache
- Mary Daval
Source: Laryngoscope
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Deep Learning to Discriminate Arteritic From Nonarteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy on Color Images.
- Ayse Gungor
- Raymond P Najjar
- Steffen Hamann
- Zhiqun Tang
- Wolf A Lagrèze
- Riccardo Sadun
- Kanchalika Sathianvichitr
- Marc J Dinkin
- Cristiano Oliveira
- Anfei Li
- Federico Sadun
- Andrew R Carey
- Walid Bouthour
- Mung Yan Lin
- Jing-Liang Loo
- Neil R Miller
- Nancy J Newman
- Valérie Biousse
- Dan Milea
- Axel Petzold
- Philippe Gohier
- Ajay Patil
- Tanyatuth Padungkiatsagul
- Yanin Suwan
- Kavin Vanikieti
- Piero Barboni
- Valerio Carelli
- Chiara La Morgia
- Marie-Bénédicte Rougier
- Fiona Costello
- Étienne Bénard-Séguin
- Leonard B Milea
- Selvakumar Ambika
- Pedro Fonseca
- Michael S Hansen
- Sebastian Küchlin
- Navid Farassat
- Nicolae Sanda
- Gabriele Thumann
- Christophe Chiquet
- Hui Yang
- Carol Y Cheung
- Carmen Km Chan
- Makoto Nakamura
- Takano Fumio
- Thi Hc Tran
- Neringa Jurkute
- Patrick Yu-Wai-Man
- Richard Kho
- Jost B Jonas
- Luis J Mejico
- Catherine Clermont-Vignal
- Raoul K Khanna
- Cedric Lamirel
- Valérie Touitou
- John J Chen
- Jeong-Min Hwang
- Hee K Yang
- Dong H Kim
- Tin Aung
- Ecosse Lamoureux
- Leopold Schmetterer
- Christine Yw Leng
- Michael Ja Girard
- Clare L Fraser
- Masoud A Fard
- Jonathan A Micieli
Source: JAMA Ophthalmol
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Prospective Multicentric Follow-up Study of Cochlear Implantation in Adults With Single-Sided Deafness: Tinnitus and Audiological Outcomes.
- Christine Poncet-Wallet
- Elisabeth Mamelle
- Benoit Godey
- Eric Truy
- Nicolas Guevara
- Marine Ardoint
- Dan Gnansia
- Michel Hoen
- Sonia Saaï
- Isabelle Mosnier
- Emmanuel Lescanne
- David Bakhos
- Christophe Vincent
Source: Otol Neurotol
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Ultra-fast confocal fluorescence microscopy for neck lymph node imaging in head and neck cancer.
- Muriel Abbaci
- Adrien Villard
- Anne Auperin
- Safaa Asmandar
- Antoine Moya-Plana
- Odile Casiraghi
- Ingrid Breuskin
Source: Oral Oncol
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Confocal laser endomicroscopy and confocal microscopy for head and neck cancer imaging: Recent updates and future perspectives.
- Adrien Villard
- Ingrid Breuskin
- Odile Casiraghi
- Safaa Asmandar
- Corinne Laplace-Builhe
- Muriel Abbaci
- Antoine Moya Plana
Source: Oral Oncol
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