Résultats de recherche
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- Ophtalmologie (97)
- Neurologie (75)
- Neurosciences (67)
- Neurochirurgie adultes (32)
- Neuroradiologie interventionnelle (32)
- Imagerie (29)
- Neurovasculaire (22)
- Neuro-ophtalmologie (21)
- ORL (21)
- Neurochirurgie pédiatrique (20)
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- Anesthésie-réanimation (13)
- Ophtalmo-pédiatrie (9)
- Médecine hospitalière (5)
- Innovations/datasciences (4)
- Maladies rares (3)
- Pharmacie (1)
316 résultats trouvés
Tri :
Optical coherence tomography-based consensus definition for lamellar macular hole.
- Jean Pierre Hubschman
- Andrea Govetto
- Richard F Spaide
- Ricarda Schumann
- David Steel
- Marta S Figueroa
- Jerry Sebag
- Alain Gaudric
- Giovanni Staurenghi
- Christos Haritoglou
- Kazuaki Kadonosono
- John T Thompson
- Stanley Chang
- Ferdinando Bottoni
- Ramin Tadayoni
Source: Br J Ophthalmol
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Need for a New Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy.
- Lee M Jampol
- Ramin Tadayoni
- Michael Ip
Source: Retina
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Dystrophin Dp71: the smallest but multifunctional product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene.
- Ramin Tadayoni
- Alvaro Rendon
- L E Soria-Jasso
- Bulmaro Cisneros
Source: Mol Neurobiol
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Discriminating between IgG4-related orbital disease and other causes of orbital inflammation with intra voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MR imaging at 3T.
- Natalia Shor
- Thomas Sené
- Kevin Zuber
- Mathieu Zmuda
- Olivier Bergès
- Julien Savatovsky
- Augustin Lecler
Source: Diagn Interv Imaging
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Global collapse of the dural sinuses after venous stenting in idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
- Alice Kedra
- Mounir Lahlouh
- Eimad Shotar
- Yasmina Chenoune
- Lucas Boistard
- Alizée Boussac
- Natalia Shor
- Julien Savatovsky
- Rabih Hage
- Valérie Touitou
- Patrick Nicholson
- Frédéric Clarençon
- Michel Piotin
- Raphaël Blanc
- Stephanie Lenck
Source: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
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Tobacco-specific nitrosamines: A literature review.
- Evangelia Konstantinou
- Foteini Fotopoulou
- Athanasios Drosos
- Nektaria Dimakopoulou
- Zoi Zagoriti
- Athanasios Niarchos
- Dimitra Makrynioti
- Dimitrios Kouretas
- Konstantinos Farsalinos
- George Lagoumintzis
- Konstantinos Poulas
Source: Food Chem Toxicol
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Analysis of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in Moldovan cigarette tobacco.
- Irina Stepanov
- Steven G Carmella
- Stephen S Hecht
- Gheorghe Duca
Source: J Agric Food Chem
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Cartilage Ossiculoplasty from Stapes to Tympanic Membrane in One-Stage Intact Canal Wall Tympanoplasty for Cholesteatoma.
- Denis Ayache
- Florent Manac'h
- Christian B Teszler
- Mathieu Veyrat
- Wissame El Bakkouri
- Alain Corré
- Mary Daval
Source: J Int Adv Otol
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Early Postoperative Imaging of the Labyrinth by Cone Beam CT After Stapes Surgery for Otosclerosis With Correlation to Audiovestibular Outcome.
- Aurélie Vandevoorde
- Marc T Williams
- Elsa Ukkola-Pons
- Mary Daval
- Denis Ayache
Source: Otol Neurotol
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Usefulness of delayed postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of residual cholesteatoma after canal wall-up tympanoplasty.
- Denis Ayache
- M T Williams
- D Lejeune
- A Corré
Source: Laryngoscope
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